Dependent, independent, confounding, background and intervening variables are listed down in separate sections. In the section of variables, variables are penned down. All the answers to such questions are given in this section. What will be accomplished by using the research findings. Objectives list the goals of this research. Listing of objectives comes after the introduction. Introduction should be powerful enough to grasp the attention of reader and make him indulge in the reading of the whole document. Research Proposal – Using Introduction Effectively While writing the introduction, one must put emphasis on its significance and priority. It sets the stage by answering to the basic question of why this study or research needed. The statement of research problem is something that provides a rationale for the proposal. It emphasizes the relevance of background information with the problem at hand and why it is being studies. Introduction is responsible for putting the proposal in context. It is presented in a way that it relates to the rest of the research material. It gives a preliminary view of the study, and background information. Introduction is written to introduce the reader regarding the topic. The portion coming after abstract is introduction.

It should describe the reason of proposing this study and doing this research, the rationale behind it and the methodology used to collect information about it. Abstract as the name suggests is not the whole material rather a short summary of it.

It should interest the reader and motivate him to read more about the proposal. Title should be a reflection of the subject matter contained in the proposal. But making it concise doesn’t mean that it will misrepresent the data in it.

It should not be very lengthy and boring rather the title should be concise and memorable. You shall pick Title with due diligence as it is going to be the very first thing that reader will read. The very first and most important part is title. The basic structure of a research proposal consists of seven sections: title, abstract, introduction, objectives, variables, question/hypothesis, and methodology. Research Proposal GuidelinesĪll Research Proposal Templates provided here contains the basic structure to help you. This proposal template is much more accurate towards project than our current collection of proposal templates. If you are working on a project research then you might find our project proposal template more suitable for your needs.