Rendering SVG can be more CPU-intensive than rendering raster images like PNG or JPG. For a detail list of browser support for SVG filter, check Can I Use "SVG filter" for more information. Generally speaking modern browsers like latest versions Chrome, Firefox and Safari should be able to render them correctly, but you should check if you need to support browsers like IE9. Just like there are some CSS attributes that are not well-supported by all modern browsers, there might be difference between implementations of browsers to the SVG filter we use, specially of the old browsers like Internet Explorer. Since SVG is well-prepared for everyone to use in HTML5 era, you will still want to know about its limitation so you can choose which one to use between SVG and PNG more wisely. Tip2: Need a custom font? Import your text as an SVG file and convert it to 3D easily.For every fancy text effect, we provide both SVG and PNG format for you to download. Enter the edit mode by double click or right click on each selected letter > "Edit geometry" Convert it to geometry by right click > "Convert to geometry" (shortcut E). However, you can edit each of the letters separately in the “Edit” mode. When you convert it to geometry in the properties panel, the text can’t be rewritten. Tip: Change the text at any time during the creative process. Share your design or invite team members to give you feedback in the form of a 3D comment.

Just click on the Download image icon at the bottom of the scene. Download your instantly rendered 3D typography scene as PNG.Adjust the view by rotating the scene or use gizmo to rotate the text itself.

Give life to letters! Create beautiful 3D font for your art, game, brand, logo or poster.